Sunday, May 11, 2008

Beijing International Education expo

The 2008 Beijing International Education expo opens in the capital. In its fifth year, the expo is one of the largest platforms of its kind in Asia. Besides providing information about international student exchanges, this year, the expo also focuses on the capital's rich educational resources.

A visitor said, "Extremely hard. Now you see I'm out of breath. It's my first attempt at professional rowing. Before I have only rowed on lakes in parks. "

The expo also showcases latest developments in the capital's education system. In September, high middle school students in Beijing will have a new subject. It will call upon students to apply their knowledge to paper - to design and build a creation all their own.

Wang Wei, physics teacher of Beijing Shunyi No. 10 Middle School, said, "Our school is one of the experimental sites for the course. The result is if there are 50 students, there will be 50 productions. It helps the young minds to create based on a full-round knowledge like Math, physics, art and so on."

The expo is more international than ever before. About 200 colleges and universities from 18 countries have joined. For the first time, students can also go through the process of studying abroad at the simulation gallery.

With a rich variety of schools, colleges, teachers and students, Beijing, the center of education in China has also been attracting more overseas students for study in Beijing.

Another new element focuses on providing better education for the children of foreigners living in Beijing. The fifth Beijing International Education Expo runs to Saturday at the Beijing International Exhibition Center.

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