Thursday, May 1, 2008

National University of Singapore political science invites scholarship

The department of political science at NUS invites scholarship applications from qualified graduates wishing to pursue research in the following areas: political theory, public administration, international relations, and comparative politics.

Several different scholarships are available, all carrying a tuition waiver. Most successful Masters and PhD applicants receive Research Scholarships with a monthly stipend (SGD$1500 for Masters; up to SGD$2500 for PhD). PhD students may also apply for the highly-regarded President??s Graduate Fellowship with a monthly stipend of SGD$3000; and the very prestigious Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarship, with a monthly stipend of SGD$3000 plus benefits. All scholarships are renewable on an annual basis. Separate funding is available for fieldwork, conference travel and consumables (including books and laptop computers).

This is the discipline??s leading graduate programme in East Asia. We offer a wide range of modules, taught by a faculty of internationally-recognized scholars; all students receive high-quality training in research skills including empirical research design, statistics, and interpretative methods. For further details, including application forms, please see

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